Wednesday, February 25, 2009

our love is RED hot

Red hots as favors? yay or nay? Opinions please.


  1. I say no, but only because I don't like red hots :-P They're really cute though!

  2. I say yes. It will be far enough from Valentines and it will go with your heart theme. That's my vote anyway!

  3. I'd say no, but also becasue I don't like them. I think theyre adorable though.

    We went to a wedding a couple weeks ago and they gave these out along with jelly beans and everyone just ate the jelly beans..

  4. Hey there! Loved the pictures of your invitations - can i ask you how did the mailing labels and return labels so that they wrapped around the envelope?


  5. Jesse,

    Thanks for the comment! I bought 8.5 x 11 flat white labels from Staples. I then designed them in Illustrator and printed them from my home printer. I used an xacto knife to cut them to size. I pre-measured the length I wanted on the front and made 3 of the dots red so I knew where to fold the label over. Make sense? Hope this helps!

